Acupuncture and Traditional Oriental Medicine with an ear for listening and an eye on identifying individual needs and delivering the best possible healing experience
Treasure Moon Healing Acupuncture w/ Myungjin Chung
Treasure Moon Healing Acupuncture draws upon Myungjin’s strong background in oriental medicine. Thin needles are inserted along meridians (pathways) over the body. Used to relieve pain, improve circulation, energy flow (Qi), restore hormonal balance, boost immunity, lower stress, detoxify and tonify the mind, body and spirit.
Acupuncture Modalities and Additional Treatments
One or more of the following treatments may be used in conjunction with acupuncture:
Overall Benefits
For prices please call 917 640-4412; or email
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Myungjin Chung, Licensed Acupuncturist and Nationally Certified Herbalist at Treasure Moon Healing, draws upon a strong theoretical background and extensive experience in Oriental medicine practicing since 2004, spiritual counselling as well as experience in nutrition and energy exercises. Having integrated her Zen meditation practice since 1997 with rigorous training in the United States and Korea and Spiritual Counseling training, Myungjin relies on deep listening to her patients, sharp intuition, skillful hands, the knowledge of the medicine and love for her healing work for people is confident that her holistic healing will bring more desired outcome and sense of wellbeing of body, mind and spirit.
218, N.7th St, Brooklyn NY
Friday 11-7 pm
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